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Düsseldorf as the centre of international business in North Rhine-Westphalia

14. August 2023

Number of foreign companies grows – British in the lead

Figures from a new IHK study prove the continued high attraction of the state capital for foreign companies. More than one of six member-companies of the Düsseldorf Chamber of Commerce and Industry has majority foreign share capital or is run by foreigners. Since the last analysis of this kind in 2019, the number of foreign companies registered in the commercial register in the CCI district has risen by 11 per cent – and even by 60 per cent since 2010.

Due to Brexit, the largest group for the first time is made up of companies from the United Kingdom (704), followed by Greater China (654), the Netherlands (586), the USA (412), Switzerland (360), Luxembourg (322), France (284) and Japan (267). With 1,653 companies, trade is the most strongly represented sector of the companies registered in the commercial register.

The Managing Director International at the Düsseldorf Chamber of Commerce and Industry emphasises that to ensure the region remains a centre of attraction for interational companies and investors, the hard and soft location factors must contain to be steadily improved. These include uncomplicated entry and residence options, transport and digital infrastructure, a secure energy supply, sufficient commercial space and the availability of skilled workers.

 Source: Zahl ausländischer Unternehmen wächst – IHK-Magazin (

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